Extracurricular tutorials for The Frontend Developer Career Path

This document is a resource for Frontend Developer Career Path students who feel the need for alternative explanations and coding challenges in order to properly understand the curriculum. This is perfectly normal to feel, as people often need explanations from two different teachers in order to properly grasp a concept.

Below, you will find links to playlists/courses that serve as alternative bonus curriculum for the different modules of the Career Path. Some of the links have a comment, as the might be precautions you should consider before starting the given tutorial.

Module 2 - Web Dev Basics

HTML & CSS Crash Course

Teacher: Kevin Powell

Length: 4 hours

Comment: This course covers roughly the same concepts as the sections in Module 2. However, it also goes a bit further on some concepts. The scrims are not as challenge-heavy as Module 2, but the content is still very good.

Module 3 - Making Websites Interactive

Intro to JavaScript

Teacher: Nate Jensen

Length: 1 hour

Intro to loops

Teacher: Ania Kubow

Length: 1 hour

Intro to functions and methods

Teacher: Ania Kubow

Length: 1 hour

Intro to the DOM

Teacher: Bob Ziroll

Length: 1 hour

DOM (from The JavaScript Deep Dive)

Teacher: Reed Barger

Length: 1 hour

Module 4 - Essential CSS concepts

CSS Fundamentals challenges (old version)

Teacher: Jad Khalili

Length: 1 hour

Module 5 - Essential JavaScript concepts

Build components in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Teacher: Jad Khalili

Length: 1 hour

Comment: This challenge-based course might be a bit too challenging for many Module 4 students, and it uses some techniques that haven't been taught in the Career Path yet, so you might want to skip to the solutions if you are struggling too much with the challenges, and then go back and try solving them again once you've seen how Jad does it.

Module 6 - Responsive Design

Responsive Design (from UI Design Bootcamp)

Teacher: Gary Simon

Length: 52 min

Responsive Design challenges (old)

Teacher: Jad Khalili

Length: 1 hour

Responsive Navigations (from UI Design Bootcamp)

Teacher: Gary Simon

Length: 35 min

Module 7 - Next-level JavaScript

Build a Role Playing Game with ES6

Teacher: Ryan Gonyon

Length: 2 hours

Classes (from The JavaScript Deep Dive)

Teacher: Reed Barger

Length: 1 hour

Module 9 - Working with APIs

Basics of web architecture

Teacher: Gabor Javorsky

Length: 1 hour

Comment: This is a rather dry and theoretical walk-through of the basics of web architecture. It goes into more detail than you need to know at this point, so only watch it if you're interested in going above and beyond when it comes to web architecture.

Fetch basics

Teacher: Jesse Hall (aka codeStackr)

Length: 1 hour

Async JavaScript challenges

Teacher: Dimitri Ivashchuck

Length: 41 min

Fetch advanced

Teacher: Jesse Hall (aka codeStackr)

Length: 1 hour

Async JavaScript (from The JavaScript Deep Dive)

Teacher: Reed Barger

Length: 1 hour

The Tricky Parts of JavaScript

Teacher: Zack Wilson

Length: 1 hour

Module 10 - Learn UI Design

From Figma To Code

Teacher: Gary Simon

Length: 3.5 hours

Comment: This course challenges you to turn five different designs from Figma (a design tool) into HTML and CSS code. While you don't create the designs from scratch yourself (Gary has already done that in Figma), it's a great way of indirectly getting a better UI design sense, as you will implement high-quality designs, and thus pick up tips and tricks along the way.

Learn Flexbox

Teacher: Per Harald Borgen

Length: 51 min

Learn CSS Grid

Teacher: Per Harald Borgen

Length: 1 hour

Module 11 - React Basics

Build Tic Tac Toe with React Hooks

Teacher: Thomas Weibenfalk

Length: 51 minutes

Build and app with React and GraphQL

Teacher: Karl Hadwen

Length: 51 minutes

Git + Github

What is git?

GitHub basics and how to use GitHub Desktop


Learn Styled Components in React

Teacher: Ania Kubow

Length: 1 hour